Wednesday, October 30, 2019

American Government Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Government - Assignment Example In a free-market democracy, the public ultimately decides as to how the press needs to act. If the semblance of truth in the general public will not remain the motivating force for the press in future, neither free press nor democracy will have hope (Bivins, 2009). In the U.S, the media acts as the watchdog for the public. The news organizations use an-house critic to hear about public complaints. After that, the media broadcasts or publishes their judgments. In addition, the press creates citizens’ council which hears public complaints about the media and they issue verdicts, which are then aired widely (Edwards, 2001). Even though the freedom of the press is protected under the first Amendment, the freedom is sometimes restricted. The freedom for the press received little support from a bigger number of states. Punishment was permitted for libelous and seditious publications. In many states, truth is not defense to allegations of defamation. In any case a story discredits the reputation of any public official, the publisher is held responsible for money damages even if the published story is accurate. In states where truth is allowed as a form of defense, the publisher carries the burden of demonstrating its veracity (Bailyn,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Death and its effects Essay Example for Free

Death and its effects Essay There is a certain sequence to life. We are born, we die and the part in the middle is called life. Everyone must die and every religion in the world seems to have a belief about what happens after death. We can die at any age be it by accident, illness, disease or old age. Unfortunately accidents and disease are quite common and cause much more distress to loved ones than if someone dies of old age. This is because of the order of death which we expect. Most people believe that Grandparents should die first, followed by Parents then finally Children. However, the world does not always work this way, spawning the phrase a parent should never have to bury their child. Accidents can strike someone down at anytime as can illness. When this happens it is usually a shock and the grief caused by this can be dependent on the age if a younger person dies then the shock can be devastating but if someone dies in their twilight years then the shock is greatly reduced as the family is half expecting it and they have led a full life. When someone dies, people cope with it in different ways. Some people cry and sob while others will quietly sit and contemplate. In other instances, people will go into denial and refuse to believe that their loved one is gone. This type of denial is aided by the fact that we do not have to deal with death directly, more often than not we will arrange for a funeral director to plan and take care off everything. Many people tell their loved ones how they feel everyday, this allows them to be secure in that their loved one will not die without them knowing they love them. People do not like for someone to die if they have not told them all that they should have or have ended their last conversation in an argument. They begin to have that underlying feeling of guilt and foreboding. To know that someone knows what you are going through is a great help to the bereaved, friends can come over and offer their support and allow the person to explain how they feel. The whole idea of talking to someone is the basis of therapy and can offer some relief through sympathy/empathy. Funerals, after they have been arranged are often held within the week of the person dying. This is to offer some finality to the whole process and to let the relatives to decide whether they want an open coffin or closed coffin funeral. Funerals vary from one Christian denomination to another but they all have a glimmer of hope in them for the relatives and friends. The hope of eternal life in the presence of God allows the church to help the bereaved deal with their loss by encouraging them to believe that they will be reunited with them after they die. In a funeral, the coffin is carried from its method of transport to the church (this is usually a hearse, but can be a horse-drawn carriage) by the pall-bearers. These are often the male members of the family who were closest to the deceased. I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (John 11:25-26) The above verses from John 11 are often read. These words are used to comfort the bereaved as they speak of eternal life and love. There are also often hymns, prayers for the person who has died and other Bible readings. The priest will then give a short sermon on the Christian beliefs of life after death. Eulogies are also often read out by a member of the family or a close friend. A eulogy is a short speech about the life of the person who has died. It is traditional to wear black clothing at funerals. This is not required however and some families will request that guests do not dress in this way. A Roman Catholic funeral also includes a Requiem Mass. For this, the priest will wear white vestments and the coffin will be covered in a white pall. The coffin is sprinkled with Holy Water and the priest says: In the waters of baptism (name) died with Christ, and rose with him to new life. May s/he now share with him in eternal glory. The coffin is then sprinkled again and later perfumed with incense. After the funeral, many Christians put on a meal for guests to thank them for coming. In the case of Roman Catholics and many Irish Christians, a wake will be put on. A wake is a small, lively party to celebrate the persons passing into Heaven and their life. Of course, the person who all this was held for does not realise. The deceased person is not really there and only an empty shell remains. There are several different, but equally important reasons for holding a funeral. A funeral marks the ending of a human life, as baptism marks the beginning. It also allows the families to go through the various stages of grief. A funeral lets them see that the person is gone forever, but gives them comfort and support from faith. A funeral is used by Christians to be reminded of one of Christianitys main beliefs there is life after death and that God will give us strength to face up to our sorrow. Graves are also often erected. These graves are permanent markers to the person and can last hundreds of years. It is very interesting to walk around a cemetery and see the impact someone has made on another persons life as some graves have monumental tombstones on them. These come at a huge price and it is amazing to see that someone has paid so much money for something the deceased will never see In Christian terms, there are two places after you die, Heaven and Hell. There is much debate about whether Heaven and Hell are actual places. The Literalists believe it is as the bible clearly mentions it in the New Testament. According to older theories, Heaven is a place where those who are sinless go to be with God and everyone is happy. On the other hand, Hell was meant to be a place of fire and brimstone where everyone suffered for their sins. Now here is where the argument comes in. Many people say that Hell cannot exist because it is impossible for such a loving and forgiving God to create a place of suffering. Some Christians also believe that Heaven and Hell are not so much places as states of mind. Heaven is where you are at peace and can be with God and Hell is where you are confined and isolated from the warmth of Gods love. A modern story of the literal differences between Heaven and Hell goes as follows: A man dies and is greeted by St. Peter at the gates of Heaven. The man asks if he can see both Heaven and Hell before he is judged. St. Peter agrees and an angel escorts the man into a room. In the room, there is a long dining table. The man asks where they are and the angel tells him that they are in Hell. He explains that in both Heaven and Hell, you are treated equally and can eat all your favorite foods from the table on one condition: you must eat them with 6 foot long utensils. The man ponders on this for a moment then asks what the difference is between the two. The angel tells him that in Heaven, people are well fed as they feed one another while the people in Hell starve as they only try to feed themselves and fail. In Christian beliefs about resurrection, the idea that the whole body is resurrected, not just the soul is prominent. Jesus was recognised by St. Peter after his resurrection (see Corinthians 15:35-57), this shows us that when we are resurrected, our new bodies will be recognisable to our family and friends. Jewish beliefs about death are not so different from those of Christianity. Instead of Heaven and Hell, Jews believe that all souls go to Sheol, a shadowy underworld. The Jewish faith also has beliefs on resurrection. According to Maimonides, when the Messiah comes, all the dead will be resurrected and judged. In death, every member of the family is affected. Adults know what is going on, but what about the children. What should we tell them? Many parents explain to their children that whoever has died has gone with the angels. This is often the easiest way as children associate angels with happiness. This reasoning is often why people grow up imagining Heaven to be in the clouds above our Earth and full of angels, it is a remnant of our childhood. However, some parents decide to not tell their children anything. It all depends on the individual child and how they will cope with this new information. Some children can cope with the hard evidence someone has died and isnt going to come back, while others cannot grasp the concept of death until they are much older. All religions have theories on life and death. In the New Age religions, many people believe in the Gaia theory. The Gaia theory was developed many hundreds of years ago and can be found in old texts about the meaning of life. The Gaia theory tells us that the Earth on which we live has a spirit and that all living organisms have their spirit given by Gaia (the Earth spirit). These organisms live their respective lives and soak up their experiences to enrich its spirit. When the organism dies, its spirit returns to Gaia and the experiences it had allow Gaia to create new lives. After looking at several different religions, it is apparent that all have one thing in common the belief that after you die a part of you lives on and returns to something, be it Allah, Gaia or God.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On August 6, 1945, the world changed forever. The United States had sent a B-29 bomber plane named â€Å"Enola Gay† to fly over the industrial city of Hiroshima, Japan and drop the first atomic bomb ever – â€Å"Little Boy† . The world had never experienced anything like it. One hundred thousand died almost instantly -- most of them were civilians. Three days later, in Nagasaki, another bomb -- â€Å"Fat Man† – was dropped. This time roughly forty thousand died. The people of the world were glad to see that the bombs ended most destructive war ever, but over the course of the forty years the world feared a nuclear battle that could wipe out all humankind off of the face of the Earth. The images that were coming from the aftermath of the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki affected almost every person in the world in all aspects. The image of the mushroom-shaped cloud and the desolate city would remain in every person’s mind as an image of destruction and as a warning of the danger of a nuclear war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Manhattan Project was the code name for an effort to create an atomic bomb during World War II. It was named for the Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers because most of the early research was done in New York City . Refugee physicists sparked the project soon after German scientists had discovered nuclear fission in 1938. Many American scientists feared that Hitler and the Germans would produce a nuclear bomb; consequently, they contacted Albert Einstein to write a letter to United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to help the production of the first nuclear bomb. Roosevelt agreed to assist the scientists and they began the Manhattan Project. The development took place at laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, located on an isolated mesa. The project was to be kept classified under all circumstances. The scientists working at the plant could not even tell their wives about their work, unless they worked there themselves. All the mail in the town was censored; everybody was restricted to a two hundred mile radius and residents were forbidden to tell their friends where they lived. No one in the community had a name; rather everyone was either a â€Å"sir† or â€Å"mister†. The most serious threat to the security of the project was the hiring of Klaus Fuchs who was found guilty of obtaining top-secret documents and sending them to the Soviet Union.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Violent Video Games Might Be to Blame for Violent Behavior

Violent Video Games Might Be to Blame for Violent Behavior Is Media Violence a Problem? ,  2010 ————————————————- Top of Form Bottom of Form Mark and Keisha Hoerrner, â€Å"Video  Game  Violence,†Ã‚  Children's Voice, vol. 15, January/February 2006. Copyright  © 2006 Child Welfare League of America. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced by permission. Mark Hoerrner is a writer and the author of several articles on the media's effect on children. Keisha Hoerrner is department chair of Kennesaw State University's First-Year Programs and a researcher who specializes in children and media issues.While many parents scoff at letting their children watch violent movies, they often consent to buying violent  video  games for their teenagers without checking the industry ratings. Researchers contend that a link exists between violent  video  games and real-life  v iolence  in teenagers and young adults. Violent images don't necessarily create violent children, but gamers learn that  violence  is an accepted means to solve problems, and they perfect shooting skills as though they were handling real weapons.Even though games can teach children valuable coordination skills, parents and caregivers need to make sure that their children only view age-appropriate content and are made aware of the difference between on-screen actions and socially acceptable behavior in the real world. Thomas has a 21-inch flat-screen monitor and an optimized computer with a 4 GHZ processing speed. His hard drive is fast and large; he's packed in close to three gigabytes of RAM and has a  video  card with dual 512K processors. It's all about speed and graphical processing. He's jacked in to a high-speed Internet connection, and he's off and running.Thomas isn't a programmer or a network engineer, though he's considering that as a possibility for the future. He doesn't have to worry about that now, though—he's only 13 years old and has a long time to make up his mind about a career. For now, he's content with the fact that in the next three hours, he'll commit 147 felonies including aggravated assault, murder, attempted murder, robbery, arson, burglary, conspiracy, assault with a deadly weapon, drug trafficking, and auto theft while violating just about every section of the RICO Act, the nation's nti-organized crime law. He'll even be so brazen as to gun down bystanders and police officers and will personally beat someone to death with a golf club. All without ever leaving his room. ————————————————- A Link to Violent Behavior Retired Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a former [U. S. ] Army Ranger and tactical trainer, asserts that  video  games are actively training children to kill. Learning, he says, happens all the time, especially during active play.The subject of that active play, however, can be negative or positive. Grossman has authored two books on the connection between violent media and actual  violence. He argues that children learn to use weapons and become sharpshooters through simulated games the same way soldiers use simulations to improve their shooting precision. Just as children can improve their phonics withLearn to Read with Winnie the Pooh, they can learn to shoot with deadly accuracy playing  Doom,  Splinter Cell,  Hitman, and other first-person shooter games.Grossman has been a consultant to a number of school systems following deadly shooting incidents, assisting with grief counseling and understanding what brings children from what should be a carefree time in their lives to the point of committing multiple murders. In his book,  Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill[: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie &  Video  Game  Violence], Grossman says that in 1997's high school shooting in Paducah, Kentucky, the 14-year-old who opened fire on a before-school prayer group landed eight out of eight shots on eight different targets.Five of those were head shots [gunshot wounds to the head]. According to the FBI, in shootouts less than three meters from their targets, trained law enforcement officers land, on average, one out of five shots—these are trained officers who are familiar with their weapons. The teenage shooter had never held a real gun before his shooting rampage, Grossman says. He had, however, spent long hours playing first-person shooter games that simulated killing with the same weapon he used that morning.Grossman, who now travels the country talking to police departments and educators, asserts that the combination of playing these games and watching violent movies taught the youth how to load, actively target, and shoot as if he had been watching an instructional  video. ——————— —————————- Making Right or Wrong Choices Unlike watching a  video  or television show, a child is actively making choices and weighing options when playing  video  games. He or she is rewarded for certain behaviors, which, depending on the  game, may range from solving a puzzle to opening fire on a group of bystanders. In a violent  video  game, you rehearse the entire aggression sequence from beginning to end,† says mediaviolence  researcher Craig [A. ] Anderson, chair of Iowa State University's Department of Psychology. â€Å"You have to be vigilant, looking for enemies, looking for potential threats; you have to decide how to deal with the threat, what weapon to use, and how to use it; and then you take physical action to behave aggressively within the  game. It's society, not science, that must decide how to deal with the negative effects of violent  videogames.We have considerable evidence these games cause violent behavior,† Anderson says, pointing to hundreds of scientific studies on  video  games, and more than 3,000 on the effects of other violent media, that he says all suggest a causal link between violent behavior and the consumption of violent content. This isn't an overt link, he cautions—a child isn't likely to go out and commit a major felony after playing a violentgame  for an hour—but children will act more aggressively and show more negative social action, such as the intent to do  violence  to another person, over time. ———————————————— Positive Aspects of Video Games Anderson is quick to note, however, that games have positive aspects. He bought his son a copy of the flight simulator  game  Flight Unlimited  and a realistic joystick and foot pedal. His son spent considerable time learning to fly, which pai d off when the child went to a NASA summer camp and was assigned the role of pilot on a space shuttle mission simulator. Anderson's son was able to land the craft on the first try, something camp organizers said had never been done.Anderson credits the flight simulator as the catalyst for helping his son develop the necessary skills. In a study at the University of California, Santa Barbara, diabetic children who received a  video  gameshowing them how to better manage their illness had improved blood sugar control and fewer emergency room visits. â€Å"Video  games are great teachers and great motivators,† Anderson says, â€Å"but they can be misused. It's society, not science, that must decide how to deal with the negative effects of violent  videogames. To this end, the  video  game  industry helped create the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to develop a system of ratings for  video  games to define content for parents and allow them to make i nformed purchasing decisions. ESRB ratings include six age-based rating symbols, ranging from â€Å"EC-Early Childhood† to â€Å"AO-Adults Only,† and more than 30 content descriptors (such as â€Å"Mild  Violence,† â€Å"IntenseViolence,† â€Å"Sexual  Violence,† â€Å"Partial Nudity,† â€Å"Drug Reference,† and â€Å"Simulated Gambling†) that indicate elements in a  game  that may have triggered a particular rating or may be of interest or concern to the buyer.Full Text:  Ã‚  COPYRIGHT 2010 Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning. Source Citation: â€Å"Violent Video Games Might Be to Blame for Violent Behavior. †Ã‚  Is Media Violence a Problem? Stefan Kiesbye. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Issue. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. Document URL http://ic. galegroup. com/ic/ovic/ViewpointsDetailsPage/ViewpointsDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=Viewpoints&prodId=OVIC&a ction=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ3010187219&mode=view&userGroupName=lemo21048&jsid=dbc3cbe328c3b8eaa54c12c32c45bb32 Gale Document Number:  GALE|EJ3010187219

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Miss Essay

1. Be able to address the range of communication requirement in own role 1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role. Working within Surestart I work with many groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed which include 16 staff members, services users to date we have 1700 families registered with Surestart. We would have a lot of communication with Health visitors regarding referrals that they have sent in and also follow up telephone calls if there is any concerns with the family. I would also have contact with social services and be asked to attend case review meetings. I would also be expected to communicate with other agencies to refer our service users on the appropriate agencies for example other children centres, counsellors, women’s Aid and Hidden Harm Social worker, 1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role Effective communication and interaction play a very important role in the work of everybody that works within Surestart. I feel that how I support effective communication is by setting a good example to staff. With communication been so important for the day to day running of the centre, each staff member would be asked to write in the diary in the main office so people can know where they are (this is for the save guarding of staff if they are out of the office, lone worker policy) There is also a white board in the main office so when staff are in programmes other staff are aware of this and that the parents/baby room are booked. I would also support communication by attending staff meeting ever second week and staff are told that they must attend once a month. There is also an open door policy as sometimes there is information that staff do not want to share in a team meeting as there maybe difficulties within the team and they would like to share information on a one to one basic. 1.3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role The barriers and challenges that I would face is staff working part time,  staff out doing programme and also may be difficult feeling between staff members. The other barriers and challenges that I would face is staff do not take on board what you are saying to them as they feel they are right so they do not even listen to what you are trying to explain. Some people may pick you up wrong on the information you are trying to get across. 1.4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriers Make sure I speak very clear, focus on what information I would like them to take on board. Supervision on a monthly basis, open door policy if anyone has a problem they can talk about it. Staff can ring and send emails at any time. The childcare supervisor meets with the childcare team every morning to make sure that all crà ¨ches have enough staff and if they have any concerns regarding the children. There is also a referral meeting once a week where we discuss the referral that health visitor/social workers have send in and also to discuss and concerns we would have regarding the parents. I also send rely slips to social worker / health visitor to let them know if a home visit has been completed or if we have been unable to contact the family. 1.5 Use different means of communication to meet different needs I am aware that each staff member has different learning styles, some staff like sharing information in a group and other staff like to share information in a one to one. It is also very important for me to take this on board as I do not want any member of the team feeling frustrated and ineffective. I want staff to be able to trust me and let them see that I value the work that they do. The different means of communication I use to meet different needs are. Emails are a very effective means of communication as each staff members gets the information at the same time and not second hand. Emails can be sent at any time and also printed out to file or record information that has been sent or received. Team meeting again are a very good as all staff are getting the same information and this is a nice way for other staff to meet and let everyone else know how things are going and if anyone is finding a family or child diffi cult then there is the support of the whole team for ideas of how to handle a situation. If anyone cannot make it then the team minutes are there to read. Telephone if I am not in the office I can still be reached on my mobile if anyone needs anything.  Health visitor/Social worker would also contact me by telephone if they needed an update on a family. Staff diary in the main office this lets staff members know who is in which room and if anyone is on leave or sick or if someone has an appointment. Sign in and out sheet beside the exit door this is for safety reasons as if there was a fire in the building then I would know who is in and out Reply slips are back to the health visitors/social worker as an update for the referral they have send in. Letters to parents this is to invite them along to programmes/events. Thought-out the year I would facilitate information mornings for breastfeeding support, weaning work shop and feeding for under 5’s this would be to share inform ation to welcome new service users to the Surestart. Face to face, my office is open to all staff at any time if they need to talk about anything. CU2941 Use and develop systems that promote communication 2. Be able to improve communication systems and practise support positive outcomes for individuals 2.1 Monitor the effectiveness of communication systems and practices. The diary in the front office if very effective for staff on home visit as we know where there are for their safety (lone worker policy). white board in the main office is very effective as this is where all staff write down their programmes so if there is any phone calls for staff the secretary knows if they are in the office or in programmes. Emails can be sent at any time and it means that the same information is been told to the staff at the same time and it is also the staffs responsible to pick up their emails. The childcare supervisor meets with the childcare staff each morning I feel that this is very effective as this is in place to make sure that all rooms are covered with their ratio, and most importantly that the needs of the children are met and if there is any problem in any of the setting it can be addressed as needed and that staff do not have to wait 2 weeks for a team meeting to discuss. One to on e communication i.e. Supervision and APR, I feel that this is very important within a setting. N-Drive – this is where documents can be saved and all staff can access it. In our office we have a policy of hot desking so documents can accessed at any computer. This is also for Surestart forms and newsletters so all staff can print them out as needed. Reply slips to health visitors/social worker/other agencies – this is where I reply to any referral letter that the project receives, I would reply to the other agencies if this family had received a home visit and services offered, if I was unable to contact the family for different reasons or if the family did not want to avail of Surestart services. Phone – if I cannot be reached at any time then a message can be left for me to return there call. 2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practice Evaluating the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practice I am going to start with the ones I feels are the most effective. One to One Communication – I feel that this works very well within a team as some staff members do not like to speak in front of other and feel that their ideas might not be good enough. I also feel that face to face communication is very effective as some people can pick up a message wrong and take the wrong tone with an email. Supervision – this is there for staff to talk confidently with their manger I feel that this is very effective means of communication for the manger to tell how well things are going for that member of staff and for the staff member to say how they really feel about how things are going. ( I also feel that you have to have a good relationship with your staff for this to work, you have to be relaxed and friendly and staff members also have to trust you). Supervision is also very effective as this give staff clear boundaries of what is expected of them for the month a head and also make sure they are on target to achieve the targets in their APR. Team meetings – I also think this is effective as this can let everybody know how programmes are going if there is any follows to do with families in any of the programmes. If anyone is having any difficulties if any of the programmes is nice to get other ideas how to deal with it. It is also there for sharing information for the Surestart board and action for children. To let staff know what training is coming up. ARP- I have been working in a Surestart setting for the last 11 years, I feel that this is the first year I have felt that an APR has been effective like the rest of communication systems if it is not done right then it will not  be effective. APR is there to set goal and targets for the year ahead, I feel this is very important for staff as they know what is expected of them for the year ahead and then this is monitored at each supervision to make sure that staff in on track with their targets. Childcare meeting every morning – I feel that this is very effective as each member of the childcare team no where they are each day and who is covering in each setting and also if any member of the childcare team is concerned about a child this is discussed each morning. Emails- I feel has pro and con. It is very effective in a way that emails can be sent at any time and is very good for all staff to receive the information at the same time. I also feels that staff can pick the tone of emails up wrong and some information is best said face to face. Reply letter to health visitors/social workers/other agencies – I feel that this is a very effective The diary in the front office – This is effective if everyone plays there part in filling it in. If someone is on training or off on A/L and forgets to fill it in then it is very hard for other staff to know where they are. N-Drive – This is effective as all the Surestart form and standard letters are on it as well as newsletters. It is also that as this is used while hot desking it means that the documents that are placed on this drive can be accessed by the whole team so if I was saving any confidential information I would also password protect it. Phone – I do feel that this is effective as if I am not available by phone or mobile then a message can also be left. 2.3 Propose improvements to communication systems and practices to address any short comings I feel that communication can always be improved as we are only human and staff do forget to pass on messages, response to emails, and even fill in the diary in the main office. I have proposed that each desk has message pad so that all messages have to written down. I have proposed that the main diary is to be brought to the team meeting so that if anyone has any leave booked, any visits arranged or training then this can go into the diary. I would also remind everybody at team meeting about remembering to fill in the diary I have also propose that the reply slips to the health visitors/social workers be changed as I feel it could be improved. 2.4 Lead the implementation of revised communication system and practices CU 2941 Use and develop systems that promote communication 3. Be able to improve communication systems to promote partnership working 3.1 Use communication systems to promote partnership working The systems that we use to promote partnership working is:  One to one communications – I meet with the health visitor for breastfeeding once a week. Also any of the health visitors are welcome to call in at any time. Some health visitors like to bring parents that are hard to engage into the centre to meet me to show them around the building and meet the staff. I would also have contact face to face with our families on a daily basis through programmes and also registrations. Phone call – health visitors/social services and other agencies would phone for update and regarding case review meetings. Families would also phone on a daily basis if they needed help with anything or information. Post – we post letters to the agencies if we are unable to reach the families or if they no longer wish to be involved with the service. I would also post letters and newsletter to families. Emails – some agen cies like to send email as it is a faster way for them and this is ok with me as long as it is recorded. Referral reply – this is a letter drawing and signed by Surestart parents that we have permission to send it back to the health visitors to say we have been in contact and the Surestart services have been offered. Information events – this is different events for Surestart to promote their services. 3.2 Compare the effectiveness of different communications systems for partnership working I feel within waterside Surestart the systems we use are very effective. One to one communication I feel is very effective as this can reassure service users and colleagues and also outside agencies, you can focus on the goal. I can be supportive and positive to all that need it. I can also assess the services users’ needs and provide them with the support  needed and I also feel that this builds trust and relationships. Phone call – I feel that this is a very effective way of communicating as some health visitor/social worker/other agencies need an update ASAP as they may be on their way to a review meeting. All if a member of staff is not on the office this is a good way of communicating. As my role as family support worker I be in contact with families every day on the phone, may it be they have a question or I am inviting the families to programmes or arranging home visits. E mails – This is a very effective way that I communicate in Surestart, supervision notes to be sent 3 says before supervision, team meeting are to be sent and read before the meeting. Agencies are able to send emails / newsletters. Referral Response – I feel that this is a very effective way that Surestart communicate. This is send to health visitors/social workers who send in a referral this is to show the agencies that we have made contact with that family or that we have tried to contact the family and after 4 weeks we are unable to reach them. Information events – I feel that this is not really effective as we work on catchment areas and this is very hard to have an event in a general area, it has to be within the area, as we do not like to turn people away that may be interested in the service, as when agencies send in referrals they have a list of streets that is inside the catchment area and only if there is a need then they can be outside the area. 3.3 Propose to improvements to communications systems for partnership working I do believe that communication within waterside Surestart has got a lot better in the last year, I feel that this has a great deal to do with our new manager, she has gained the trust and respect of the staff and in return it is a pleasure to work with. I feel that I have a great leader to follow and learn a great deal from. The only improvement that could be made is that a leaflet could be drawn up for families that are outside the catchment area so that they leave with something rather than going away with no information (this is in the process on being done). I am also assisting the upgrade of the referral response form so that families sign this form so that we have permission to hold their information and that we are allow to send the form back to the referrer. CU2941 Use and develop systems that promote communications 4. Be able to use systems for effective information management 4.1 Explain legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information Working with in a Surestart setting for the last 11 years, I know that confidentiality is very important. It’s important for agencies and services users to build a trusting relationship with me. I am very honest with the people I work with, when I am completing a registration form with parents I do tell them that their details will stay in a locked filing cabinet for 7 years, that there information is stored on a database password protected until there child/ren turn 4. I also let the parents know that under the data protection act they are able to see their file at any time. Parents also sign a form that we are able to share information with the health visitor and other agencies involved if we have any concerns regarding the child or parents. When I have taking programmes with parents I also start with group rules. Confidentiality always comes up, I always tell parents that what ever is discussed at the group I do not take it outside of the group, I can only speak for myself but that I would hope that everyone would stand by this too. I also always make it very clear to parents that if anything is discussed or disclosed any information regarding harm or danger or abuse to a child/ren then I will past this information on to my manger and the appropriate authorises. (Children’s order 1995, child safety is paramount) I feel that if I am honest with all the people that I work with then I do believe that you build up a trust and that by law I have to report and record all that is disclosed to me, although I did have a parent in the past that did not understand this, they felt that I was just reporting them to social services and she believed that social services where there to take her child away. This lady did not return to Surestart as what she disclosed I had to discuss with my manger. 4.2 Analyse the essential features of information sharing agreements within and between organisations Under the data protection act 1998, the purpose of the act is to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to ensure that data about them are not processed without their knowledge and are processed with their consent whenever possible, this act covers personal data held in electronic formats, manual data and relevant filing systems. Surestart has devised a form that has recently been updated by my colleagues and myself, this form is where we get service users to sign that they agree Surestart is able to keep their details in a secure place for up to seven years, and that if we had any concerns regarding the child that we would contact the appropriate service also that if there is a social worker involved that we are able to update them on any programmes they attend for case review meetings. Health visitors would send in referral form with parent’s consent, what happens is we then phone that family and do a home visit and in that visit we fill out the Surestart forms wi th the families details on it, the consent for is then signed and sent back to the health visitor to say we have completed a visit this is what programmes they would like to attend, I would also send back a form to the heath visitor if that family did not wish to avail of Surestart services or that I could not reach them. These forms are kept with the registration and filed in a locked cabinet. When I am facilitating a programme within Surestart I always do group rules, parents can put what they like on it, confidentially always comes up, I just remind parents that what happens in the group will stay in the group with me, but I can only speak for myself and not the rest of the group and I do tell them that It would not be nice to hear anyone talking bad about another parent. I do inform the parents that if there anything disclosed within the group that has caused abuse of harm to a child them I am bound by action for children policies and procedures and under the children order act 1995 to past this information on to my manger and the appropriate services, I do tell the parents that I would discuss this with them before I reported what I have heard. 4.3 Demonstrate use of information management systems that meet legal and ethical requirement Under the data protection act 1998 Surestart need permission to hold data on the families that I work with, how this is done is that all parents have to sign the registration form and also the consent for their details to be stored according to action for children policies and procedures, which is that their details are stored for up to seven years, in a locked filing cabinet and up to four years on the Surestart database. Under the children’s order 1995 I am bound to report anything that I have heard or seen that my or has caused harm to a child. This would also be discussed with the parent/s what information I would be passing on to my manger. This also gives the parent an opportunity to explain. The information my lead to a referral been made to social services.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Top 5 Reasons to Attend Private High School

Top 5 Reasons to Attend Private High School Not everyone considers attending private school. The truth is, the private school vs. public school debate is a popular one. You might not think private school is worth a second look,  especially if the  public schools in your area are pretty good, the teachers are qualified, and the high school seems to get lots of graduates into good colleges and universities. Your public school might even offer plenty of extracurricular activities and sports. Is private school really worth the extra money? It's Cool to Be Smart In a private school, its cool to be smart. A top-notch education is why you go to private school. In many public schools the kids who want to learn and who are smart are branded as nerds and become the objects of social ridicule. At private school, children who excel academically will often find that the school they are attending will do its best to meet their needs, with advanced courses, online school options, and more.   Focus on Personal Development While the major focus at most private high schools is getting your child ready for college, the students personal maturation and development go hand in hand with that academic preparation. That way, graduates emerge from high school with both a degree (sometimes, two- if there is an  IB program at the school you choose) and a greater understanding of their purpose in life and who they are as individuals. They are better prepared not just for college, but for their careers and their lives as citizens in our world. Superb Facilities Libraries, which are now called media centers, are a focal point of the very  best private high schools  such as  Andover,  Exeter,  St. Pauls  and  Hotchkiss. Money has never been an object at those and similar older schools when it comes to books and research materials of every conceivable kind. But media or  learning centers  are also the centerpieces of just about every private high school, large or small. Private schools also have first-rate athletic facilities. Many  schools  offer  horseback riding,  hockey, racquet sports, basketball, football,  crew, swimming, lacrosse, field hockey, soccer, archery as well as dozens of other sports. They also have the facilities to house and support all these activities. Besides professional staff to manage these athletic programs, private schools expect their teaching staff to coach a team. Extracurricular activities  are a major part of private high school programs as well. Choirs, orchestras, bands and drama clubs can be found in most schools. Participation, while optional, is expected. Again, the  teachers guide  or coach extracurricular activities as part of their job requirements. In  tough economic times, the first programs to be cut in public schools are the extras such as sports, arts programs, and extracurricular activities. Highly Qualified Teachers Private high school teachers  usually have a  first degree  in their subject. A high percentage (70-80%) will also have a  masters degree  and/or a terminal degree. When a private school dean of faculty and head of school hire teachers, they look for competence in and passion for the subject a candidate will teach. Then they review how the teacher actually teaches. Finally, they check out the three or more references from the candidates previous teaching jobs to ensure that they are hiring the best candidate. Private school teachers  rarely have to worry about discipline. Students know that if they cause problems they will be dealt with swiftly and without recourse. A teacher who doesnt have to be a traffic cop can teach. Small Classes One of the top reasons why many  parents  begin to consider a  private high school  is that the classes are small. The teacher to student ratios are typically 1:8, and class sizes  are 10-15 students. Why are small class sizes and low student to teacher ratios important? Because they mean that your child will not get lost in the shuffle. Your child will get the personal attention he or she needs and craves. Most public schools have classes numbering 25 students or more, and teachers are not always available for extra assistance outside of normal school day hours. At private schools, especially boarding schools, the expectation is that teachers are more readily accessible to students, often coming in early and staying late to accommodate extra help sessions with groups or individual students.   Among other considerations to think about as you investigate a private school education for your child, one point to consider is that  most private high schools  are fairly  small, usually 300-400 students. Thats much smaller than the typical public high school which will have 1,000 students or more. Its very difficult to hide or just be a number in a private high school.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Operations Management and Information Systems The WritePass Journal

Operations Management and Information Systems Introduction: Operations Management and Information Systems Introduction:Advantages and Disadvantages of Open-Source Software:Advantages and Disadvantages of Packaged Software:Analysis:Customer Relationship Management Software:Conclusion:ReferencesRelated Introduction: Operations management in the contemporary business environment requires the application of various strategies which enhance reliability, efficiency, and effectiveness in the process of getting goods to the final consumer. An important aspect of operations management includes supply chain management which suggests that it is essential for a firm to be aware of how it will deliver goods to the final consumer and through which channel or mediums. The contemporary business environment requires the use of technology to support operations management and to enable effective communication with various parties in the production and supply chain process (Bonaccorsi Rossi, 2003). Accordingly, this report focuses upon a boutique business by the name of Heelz and is based in England. The business has gradually grown over the years and now amounts to seven stores out of which two are located in Spain. Thus, the business is looking to internationally expand and gain market share in the European market. Due to the recent expansion, the owner of the business, Sally has purchased a warehouse in South England. Sally wants to launch an e-commerce arm to her existing business but is not interested in incurring excessive additional expenditure. As Sally’s boutique, Heelz and the three new shops she has bought from Zapatos have completely different technological systems; she needs to integrate the two new parts of the business and must also addâ€Å"b2c† e-commerce functionality within her business. Sally’s requirements include full integration of these information systems with the retail stores and not only relying upon return/exchange or purchase o f goods via courier. Sally requires advice on whether the use of open source software is appropriate for her business as she feels that the use of packaged software would be a highly expensive option. This report will focus upon the use of open source software and compare it to the use of packaged software. The report will begin with a general analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using open-source software. The report will then continue with a comparative analysis of using packaged software and apply it to Sally’s situation in order to determine whether the use of open-source software is appropriate for the business. The report will then continue to explain the Strategic Systems Information Planning Process and conclude with a summary of the main points made in the report. Advantages and Disadvantages of Open-Source Software: The use of open-source software is a relatively new concept which has become increasingly popular over the years. One of the biggest reasons for this popularity is because the use of open –source software is completely free. However, as the software is developed by a non-profit community, it also suffers from some disadvantages. The first advantage of open-source software is free to use and it is also free to distribute to various consumers (Lerner Tirole, 2002). Moreover, it is also easy to modify open-source software. The use of open-source software involves very low costs which amount to only a fraction of the costs associated with using other similar packaged software (Dahlander Magnusson, 2008). Open-source software is accessed by a large community of people thus bugs are fixed instantly and users do not have to wait for the next release of the software to fix problems. Thus, the use of open source software enables the use of a secure and stable code. The use of open-source software is not dependent upon any particular company or person and the use of the software can continue whether the company or the person exists or not. Open source software uses a format which is easily accessible for everyone and does not have problems of being incompatible with certain formats. Moreover, there is no need for the use of anti-piracy measures and complex licensing models like those used in packaged software (Weber, 2004). However, there are various disadvantages of using open-source software which include not being straightforward or easy to use. Thus, such software cannot be learnt in a day and require extensive training or the hiring of a professional before they can be properly used. All functions are not easily used on open-source software and there may be some problems in integrating proprietary software with open-source software. Hardware functions may have a problem in being compatible with open-source platforms which makes it vital to use third-party drivers (Lakhani Von-Hippel, 2003). Hence, it is highly advisable that adopting open-source platforms should not be a choice based upon the low-cost involved. Thus, firms should appropriately analyze and understand the requirements of open-source platforms before they decide to implement and use them in their business (Crowston,   Howison, , Annabi, 2006). Advantages and Disadvantages of Packaged Software: Packaged software include IT solutions which are bought from companies offering a whole solution to IT applications with various functions. Such software includes customer relationship management software, enterprise management software, and other solutions which help companies organize their customer records and operations and provide an efficient flow of information from one party to another. Using packaged software solutions enables a firm to use smaller programs in which applications are all together. As packaged software solutions are offered at an expensive price, the software packages are also easy to use. Moreover, they also offer a number of functions integrated into one package and thus means it is easier for companies to connect all of their outlets or stores with one software solution (Chen Popovich, 2003). However, there are also certain disadvantages associated with the use of packaged software which include the fact that once a bug or a defect is discovered in packaged software, it may take substantial time to fix this problem or it may only be corrected when a new version of the software is developed. Moreover, purchasing a packaged software solution may be highly expensive for a firm and may require ample effort in integration with all the IT systems of the firm. Moreover, packaged solutions have limited functions and are thus focused upon certain processes rather than providing unlimited functions which may be available in other open-source software packages. Hence, while packaged solutions do offer substantial advantages to the consumer, they also pose a certain number of disadvantages as well. Accordingly, it is important for a firm to analyze whether it is appropriate for it to use a packaged solution or whether it is appropriate for it to use another IT solution according to i ts specific requirements (Reinartz, Krafft, Hoyer, 2003). Analysis: Sally’s boutique, Heelz, has expanded to a large extent and is now internationally dispersed in Europe with three outlets. Moreover, as Sally has added a warehouse in South England to her business, there is a need for her to be able to integrate all of her retail outlets, warehouse, and her customers via one system. While Sally does not wish to incur immense overhead costs, she is more interested in using open-source software packages to integrate her e-commerce system. However, as mentioned above, while using open-source software platforms may be low-cost and economical for some firms, it is vital to not only consider the low-cost aspect of using open-source software but a firm should consider its particular circumstances (Xu et al, 2002). In Sally’s case, using open source software would provide her with an economical solution, a variety of functions, and the ability to make the software compatible with different systems. However, the problems posed with the use of open-source software are that it is less reliable, may not be efficient, and may also be highly confusing to use. It may also be problematic to use open-source software while attempting to integrate it with various hardware systems. As Sally has to integrate various parts of her business with her â€Å"b2c† e-commerce solution, she requires a reliable network which would also be customized to suit her needs and appropriately attend to the requirements of the Heelz brand name. Thus, while she does not want to incur excessive cost, using open-source technology may not be appropriate to suit the reliability and efficiency needs of her business. Moreover, she is likely to incur excessive costs by using open-source technology as she would probably have to train workers to use the software that   she opts to use and it would be difficult to integrate the software on all the hardware systems in her various stores (Parvatiyar Sheth, 2001). Accordingly, as Sally’s operations are dispersed across borders and she needs to integrate the stores, warehouse, and her customers with one another, she needs a reliable and efficient solution which will be easy for her customers to use, easy for her workers to use, and will also best project the Heelz brand name. Hence, it is most appropriate for Sally to use a packaged software solution for her business rather than using an open-source platform (Wilson, Daniel, McDonald, 2002). The next section of this report will explain how Sally can go about integrating various parts of her operations including her warehouse, stores, and customers with one packaged software solution. Customer Relationship Management Software: As Sally wants to set up a â€Å"b2c† e-commerce system and integrate its warehouse and stores through one IT solution, it may be most beneficial for the company to use customer relationship management software. Such software can provide the company with a number of functions which include placing orders and making payments via credit card and other means, communicating with customers, making new offers, and ordering new stock when there is insufficient stock available. Thus, the company will remain in touch with customer demands, be able to forecast future customer preferences, communicate with customers and receive feedback regarding previous stock, and inform customers of new forthcoming stock. Moreover, using such software can make it easier for the company to anticipate future demand trends, keep accurate customer records, and design effective marketing campaigns based upon customer preferences and feedback. It will also enable the company to appropriately manage its supp ly chain and order stock that is needed instead of piling up unwanted stock (Ryals Knox, 2001). In order to integrate CRM software upon all of its systems, the company must ensure that all of its systems are compatible with the software selected and then must install the software upon all of its systems including the company’s warehouse, retail stores including the newly purchased ones from Zapatos, and with its customers. As the software may be relatively easy to use, the company must simply make all of its employees familiar with the use of these systems through one to two training sessions and can then use the systems to their advantage (Mithas, Krishnan, Fornell, 2005). Using a packaged software solution can enable the company to make maximum use of the functions it offers and integrate the software effectively within all of its dispersed operational outlets. Moreover, the company can opt for an economical packaged solution and as it may be a one-time investment, it may not incur the company excessive overhead costs. However, considering the fact that reliability and efficiency are very important for the company because of its growing size and needs, the company should not opt for an open-source IT solution (Mendoza et al, 2007). Conclusion: Thus, according to the specific requirements of Heelz boutique and its growing size, this report concludes that it is most appropriate for the company to opt for packaged solutions in order to integrate its various operational outlets and its customers. The company cannot opt for open-source technological platforms because of their complex nature and because the company’s needs are likely to change often in the coming years. Moreover, the company requires a highly reliable and stable solution which can help the company grow its operations and effectively communicate with its customers (Jayachandran et al, 2005). Accordingly, this report recommends that the company opt for a packaged customer relationship management solution to meet its need for â€Å"b2c† e-commerce with its customers. The company can optimize its use of a customer relationship management software by choosing a low-cost package which is compatible with the hardware installed on the systems of all its stores and its warehouse. Accordingly, the company will be able to efficiently and effectively communicate with its customers, enable them to place orders and track their shipments, provide feedback and complaints, and be informed of new products amongst many other things. Moreover, the company can keep accurate and up-to-date records regarding customer preferences and future demand forecasts (Jayachandran et al, 2005). References Bonaccorsi, A., Rossi, C. (2003). â€Å"Why open source software can succeed.† Research Policy. Vol. 32(7) pp. 1243-1258. Chen, I. J., Popovich, K. (2003). â€Å"Understanding customer relationship management (CRM): People, process and technology.†Business Process Management Journal. Vol.  9(5) pp. 672-688. Crowston, K., Howison, J., Annabi, H. (2006). â€Å"Information systems success in free and open source software development: Theory and measures.†Software Process: Improvement and Practice. Vol.11 (2) pp.123-148. Dahlander, L., Magnusson, M. (2008). â€Å"How do firms make use of open source communities?.†Long Range Planning. Vol.41 (6) pp.629-649. Lakhani, K. R., Von Hippel, E. (2003). â€Å"How open source software works:â€Å"free† user-to-user assistance.†Research Policy. Vol. 32(6) pp.923-943. Lerner, J., Tirole, J. (2002). â€Å"Some simple economics of open source.†The Journal of Industrial Economics. Vol.50 (2) pp.197-234. Parvatiyar, A., Sheth, J. N. (2001). â€Å"Customer relationship management: emerging practice, process, and discipline.†Journal of Economic and Social Research3 (2) pp.1-34. Reinartz, W., Krafft, M., Hoyer, W. D. (2004). â€Å"The customer relationship management process: its measurement and impact on performance.†Journal of Marketing Research. pp. 293-305. Ryals, L., Knox, S. (2001). â€Å"Cross-functional issues in the implementation of relationship marketing through customer relationship management.†European Management Journal. Vol.19 (5) pp. 534-542. Weber, S. (2004).The success of open source   368. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Wilson, H., Daniel, E., McDonald, M. (2002). â€Å"Factors for success in customer relationship management (CRM) systems.†Journal of Marketing Management. Vol.18(1-2) pp.193-219. Xu, Y., Yen, D. C., Lin, B., Chou, D. C. (2002). â€Å"Adopting customer relationship management technology.†Industrial Management Data Systems. Vol.102 (8) pp. 442-452. Mithas, S., Krishnan, M. S., Fornell, C. (2005). â€Å"Why do customer relationship management applications affect customer satisfaction?.†Journal of Marketing. pp. 201-209. Mendoza, L. E., Marius, A., Pà ©rez, M., Grimn, A. C. (2007). â€Å"Critical success factors for a customer relationship management strategy.†Information and Software Technology. Vol.  49(8), pp.913-945. Jayachandran, S., Sharma, S., Kaufman, P., Raman, P. (2005). â€Å"The role of relational information processes and technology use in customer relationship management.†Ã‚  Journal of Marketing. pp. 177-192.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

When Most is Enough

When Most is Enough When Most is Enough When Most is Enough By Maeve Maddox It must be one of those in your face gestures of defiance. It cant be that they dont know better. Im referring to the way so many bloggers create headlines that place a most in front of an adjective that already has the superlative -est suffix: The internets Most Rudest and Obnoxious people Mumbai, India is the MOST RUDEST city in the world The Seven Most Awesomest Idol Moments This Season A Gawker Guide to the Most Awesomest Election Ever Sometimes least is used instead of most in order to compare in the opposite direction: 100 Least Awesomest Things ever Then there are the online novels: at that very moment the most awfullest, most terriblest, most unpleasantest thing imaginable happened! Such pervasive examples of incorrect usage cant be much help to readers for whom English is not the first language. English adjectives form their comparative/superlative forms in one of two ways: 1. by adding the suffixes -er and -est: dark/darker/darkest; simple/simpler/simplest; mean/meaner/meanest 2. by using the words more and most in front of the basic adjective: pleasant/more pleasant/most pleasant awesome/more awesome/most awesome I wont go into the various rules based on number of syllables and stressed or unstressed vowels. Its probably enough to know that adjectives that are short and/or easy to say, form their comparatives with -er and -est. Polysyllabic adjectives that sound clumsy with those endings form their comparatives with more and most. Sometimes the choice is a matter of individual preference. For example, one speaker may prefer handsome/more handsome/most handsome while another likes the sound of handsome/handsomer/handsomest. When in doubt, go with the more/most construction. Most awesomest is not an option for the writer who desires to write standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesTaser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Quiet or Quite?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nursing theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing theories - Research Paper Example The philosophical claims of this theory are based on the facts that people or individuals must always give meaning to every experience they face in life; like in our case, we have patients in intensive care units. Their families may experience anxiety, depression and even signs of post-traumatic stress as they get worried of their loved ones in the critical conditions and sense making philosophically demands that meaning be given to this (Davidson, 2010), philosophically sense making integrates aspects of identity, retrospection and enactment. Others include; the social, ongoing and extracted cues not forgetting plausibility where an individual needs to know enough to enable them make informed acceptance hence achieve relief accumulated in them by way of fear and experienced horror (Dervin, 1983). This is the main concept behind the woman Garcia who has gone to visit their husband in the hospital ICU. It talks about facilitated sense making to help the woman avoid sever psychological outcomes of the realities that may result from the fact that the husband lies in the ICU (Davidson, 2010). The assumptions of the theory include identity and these will require the woman to define who she is because of the situation she faces as well as how and what she thinks. Retrospection comes in as the second assumption and this requires the woman to learn what she thinks looking back into their stand about the same issue earlier. Then enactment of the object in terms of making something out of the situation will be required (Dervin, 1983). This is closely linked to the socialization assumption that demands that another party within the same context must have influenced whatever someone says or believed, the talking also ought to adopt the mechanism of spread across time giving it an ongoing assumption (Brenda, 1998). In addition, the assumption of extracted cues requires that it is only a small portion of the content gets derived for public consumption and lastly we have plau sibility, this will require that Garcia knows enough of the outcomes she expects out of the situation. These assumptions are much testable since they indicate the roots of all the variations and the content of the article all indicate the aspects defined (Brenda, 1998). The definition of all the concepts explained are much consistent with the theory since the theory demands that individuals must always create a common ground for an understanding to enable them land on the position of acting with principles on grounds of information. This explains the need for through research from relevant sources of information about concepts information, which is often stored for future reference (Dervin, 1983). In explaining facilitated sense making, we would apply Roy’s adaptation model, this is a model that mainly and in most cases apply to the sense making model in the nursing practice hence the choice as illness can cause several disruptions in life which requires a period of compensat ion and hence a prospect of adaptation. Based on the duration that the compensation takes, the

Friday, October 18, 2019

In relation to one particular country, critically assess the claim Essay

In relation to one particular country, critically assess the claim that the roadmap progresses the EU gender - Essay Example But soon EU has realised the need also to improve the quality of lives among the constituents of the European Union. On May 1, 1999, the Amsterdam Treaty was enforced and that signaled EU's predilection to give importance to the rights of individuals as well as to render them justice, individual security and freedom. Suddenly EU felt it is its role to be at the vanguard for the protection of their human rights as well as to eliminate discrimination against them by reason of race, color, sex, religion and age (Eur-Lex 2008). Signing the European Convention on Human Rights then became a condition for membership to the EU and all member States must accede to the provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights which became enforceable when the Lisbon Treaty was formally signed on December 13, 2007 (Europa 2007). As an offshoot of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Roadmap For The Equality Between Men and Women was adopted by EU on March 1, 2006, which aim is to promote gender equality throughout the European Union. This Roadmap for Equality Between Men and Women must be fleshed out because equality between men and women is specifically provided for in the 1993 Treaty of Maastricht which established the European Community. This treaty provision must be enforced so as to give life to the Charter and thus make it a powerful document that rules the lives of the EU constituents and not merely inserted there for the heck of it or to serve as decoration to add words to the volume of the provisions of the Treaty (The Treaty of Maastricht 1993). Article 2 specifically provides "The community shall have as its promote throughout the community..equality between men and women. Article 3 section 2 further provided, "In all the activities referred to in this article, the community shall aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women". Article 141 is more specific with its provisions as it exhorts "equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal v alue". It also defined the meaning of the provision"equal pay without discrimination based on sex". That it is imperative that the Roadmap must be established is clearly specified in article 141 section 3, whereby it stipulates that "the Council acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in article 251..shall adopt measures to ensure the application of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, including the principle of equal pay for equal work over work of equal value". Article 141

Cooperate Social Responsibility Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cooperate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example Still, on social responsibility in regards to human resource, it is important to highlight that Etisalat Company has created a department within the company that helps in the provision of solutions to various persons in the company either internally or externally. In this, it can solve external problems that could possibly involve the company with the customers, another company or organization at the same time the department can help in the giving of solutions to the employee's problems themselves and with the management for example on the salaries and wages. This is a very crucial department in the Company as the relationship between Etisalat Company, government, customers and other organizations are very key to the success of the company and like it is always said that the customer is always the king, good relationship with the customers is the key to success and this is because the customers feel that their problems and concerns are catered for by the company (Mark, 2011). Â  Environmental conservation is a very delicate matter in every nation and even to the whole world due to the fact that there are several environment conservation and protection bodies that push for the protection of the environment. Etisalat Company is not left out in the protection of the environment as well. The company employs the reusing of substances especially plastic.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review - Assignment Example Most importantly, the application of secure data mechanisms such as the use virtual private networks in mobile has well been covered in the organization. Additionally, the use data encryption and decryption techniques to manage contents have effectively been applied in the organization. In general, the organization has an effective approach in management of content. As seen in the document information flow in the article has been very precise. The paper has began by outlining the research subject followed by a deep analysis of the necessity information security in an organization. The information content in the article is divided into two main segments, which are utilization of virtual private networks and a project. In the first section, it starts with an overview followed by history of VPNS, VPN technical aspects, PPTP, L2TP, IPsec, authentication and finally vulnerabilities. It is also essential to specify that the subject of vulnerabilities has addressed issues such as user threats and hardware and software threats. The second section is the project. The flow of information in the project begins with a background, materials, planning and finally implementation and testing. In essence, this a well organized flow of information in the paper. It is also vital to note that the paper contains an effective use of diagrams. This is as stipulated below. The first diagram illustrates a general application of virtual private networks in an organization using the site-to-site approach. It has been designed in a way that makes it easier for one to comprehend its ability to facilitate secure data transfer. The second diagram goes deep into the subject of VPNs by stipulating a three step tunneling approach from a client to server. There is also a diagram for secure data access in the organization. In general, the diagrams in the article have

History of Vitamins Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Vitamins - Term Paper Example form cities and spared the nomadic lifestyle in which they served as hunter gatherers, they started to grow crops and increase their knowledge of agriculture. The ancient Sumeria scribes soon noticed that one’s health is greatly affected by the food one consumes. The shaman priests of the preceding tribes were primarily aware of this fact already when the scribes of Sumeria began to unravel the nutritious secrets of food. However, the nutritious value of food was not studied in quite detail until the city states of Babylon and Mesopotamia took their turn. These states studied food and recorded the nutritious value of individual food components upon tablets made of clay. It is quite unfortunate that most of these early clay tablets have either not managed to survive over the course of centuries or else, have been covered up by tons of sands in the desert areas. People of the ancient Egypt new some foods that could be consumed with the intention of improving one’s vision in the night. Thus, it can be said that the history of vitamins had born long ago, but the original insights could not be maintained or improved over the centuries. Practical advances in the field of medicine and nutrition were made by the ancient Romans, Greeks as well as Arabs, but their knowledge to prevent the diseases from occurring was limited. They had placed their main emphasis upon the curing process only after the illness’s symptoms would begin to show up. The work of early herbalists was often looked at with immense suspicion and the preventive potions suggested by them were largely refuted by the public in general. Ancient people would think of the early herbalists as witches and wizards. People of Europe adopted an even more outrageous approach towards the herbalists because of the fact that the Church was in general not supportive of the discussion of science and would primarily think of it as extremely precarious blasphemy. Therefore, millions of people in need of vitamins of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review - Assignment Example Most importantly, the application of secure data mechanisms such as the use virtual private networks in mobile has well been covered in the organization. Additionally, the use data encryption and decryption techniques to manage contents have effectively been applied in the organization. In general, the organization has an effective approach in management of content. As seen in the document information flow in the article has been very precise. The paper has began by outlining the research subject followed by a deep analysis of the necessity information security in an organization. The information content in the article is divided into two main segments, which are utilization of virtual private networks and a project. In the first section, it starts with an overview followed by history of VPNS, VPN technical aspects, PPTP, L2TP, IPsec, authentication and finally vulnerabilities. It is also essential to specify that the subject of vulnerabilities has addressed issues such as user threats and hardware and software threats. The second section is the project. The flow of information in the project begins with a background, materials, planning and finally implementation and testing. In essence, this a well organized flow of information in the paper. It is also vital to note that the paper contains an effective use of diagrams. This is as stipulated below. The first diagram illustrates a general application of virtual private networks in an organization using the site-to-site approach. It has been designed in a way that makes it easier for one to comprehend its ability to facilitate secure data transfer. The second diagram goes deep into the subject of VPNs by stipulating a three step tunneling approach from a client to server. There is also a diagram for secure data access in the organization. In general, the diagrams in the article have

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Response to No Reservations Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response to No Reservations Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The video captures the Social status and traditional aspects through Danya’s explanation that indicates that not every place they can visit and find porches. The western culture is unacceptable for women in Saudi Arabia, which is indicated by the type of clothes worn by the people of Saudi Arabians. In addition, they depend on the old ways of transportation, which is the use of camels. Consequently, the country has engraved traditional ways of doing things. The video show the Saudi mall that is full modernized women clothes, which contradicts the rule women are supposed to cover themselves from head to toe. It is evident throughout the video that the Jeddah is about 95% desert and Saudi Arabians spend their time by trapping lizards to eat. Saudi Arabians have unique cultural practices and advocate for gender discrimination against women as shown from the video. The food taken, clothes worn and the lifestyle shown in the video clearly shows that the people of Saudi Arabia are far from modern western

Monday, October 14, 2019

Kant vs. Hegel Essay Example for Free

Kant vs. Hegel Essay Hegel’s concept of the â€Å"Absolute Idea† claims that there is a universal and ideal standard that is continuously being revealed throughout history, in various forms of human expression. The Absolute Idea can be interpreted as God, nature, spirit, or reality. With art, there is no such thing as â€Å"Art for Art’s sake† because art is a manifestation of the unfolding of the Absolute Idea. In Hegel’s Art History, the progression of art is always moving closer to ultimate reality, because spiritual realization is teleological. The Absolute is fully realized when form and content are harmonious and concrete in their depiction of spirit and man. Beauty is dependent upon these things. For Hegel, the classical period is characterized by the depiction of ideal beauty in the perfect human body in ancient Greek sculpture. However, the concreteness of the human body is later seen as limited for not representing spirit and imagination in a more abstract form. Therefore, Hegel’s ideal of beauty is ever changing according to Art’s development in history, and his terms. In other words, Hegel calls the shots. In contrast to Hegel, Kant’s philosophy of art was a deliberate attempt to remove personal subjectivity. Like Hegel, Kant did believe there was a universal beauty, or Absolute of something, except Kant did not have any references to measure this by. For Kant, we can only come to know what is really beautiful when one has no agenda, concept, or comparison to measure the object with. From Kant’s perspective, Hegel is attached to all of these things, and therefore he can not really know beauty outside of his own perception. It is an intuitive inner knowing, versus a cognitive knowing. This is significantly different from Hegel’s ideal of beauty, since knowing what is really beautiful can never be answered concretely, but rather intuitively.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Food Security Of India

The Food Security Of India Food Security as described in World Food Summit, Rome 1996, Food Security exists, when all people, at all time have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy life. India uptill now has faced 14 famines in its history and among them the Bengal Famine of 1943 was the worst. Food availability and agriculture in India has been largely related to the vagaries of monsoon. In the past concentrated efforts were made to achieve food security by increasing food grain production. The Green Revolution was a step towards attaining Food Security. For maintaining a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stock of food grains and to ensure national food security, The Food Corporation of India (FCI henceforth) was set up under the Food Corporation Act 1964. It ensured effective price support operation for safeguarding the interest of the farmers. Another important work that FCI does is managing the Public Distribution System. FCI maintains food security in the country through its four Zonal Offices- North Zone, South Zone, East Zone and West Zone and their respective regional offices. FCI has also established a comprehensive and a structured training mechanism in accordance with its organisational goals known as the Institute of Food Security. The flagship activity of the institute has been to conduct short-term training programmes on various subjects related to Food Security, Managerial Skills, Computer skills and on operations of FCI. Food Security as we have mentioned above exists when all people have access to have food and there is a minimum level of nutrition that is maintained. There are four main dimensions of food security that can be identified: PTO Physical Availability of food- It is determined by the level of food production, stock levels and net trade or in short we refer to the supply side of food availability. Economic and Physical access to food- Access to food depends on income, expenditure, market and prevailing prices in the market. Availability of food grains in the country does not ensure availability to every individual. Food utilization- Sufficient energy and nutrient intake by individuals along with good biological utilization of food consumed determines the nutritional status of individuals. Stability of other three dimensions over time Adverse weather conditions, political conditions and economic factors have an impact over food security. In spite of constant efforts by the government and FCIs repeated efforts India has failed to feed the teeming millions. Food availability in the country is poor and there still remain a huge amount people who strive to get two squares of meal a day. Innovative strategic interventions are the needs of the hour and they have to be implemented to ensure food availability, food access and utilization. Freedom from hunger is not only a basic right but it is also essential for the enjoyment of all other rights. There has to be much stress on community farming. Through research and development it has to be aimed to reduce cost of production. New technology has to be introduced so as to achieve high production and better yield. It has been rightly mentioned in our five year plans that the time has come to introduce a Second Green Revolution. A revolution of such a great intensity is required to overcome these ailments. Expanding utilization of food facilities and encouraging private sector i nvestments can be another possibility towards achieving this goal. Over the years India has miserably failed to achieve food security. The number of people without enough food to eat on a regular basis remains stubbornly high through the ages. In India about 29 % of the 872.9 million people are malnourished. There have been various reasons contributing to this. One of major reasons is that Indian agriculture has been highly dependent on the vagaries of monsoon. Rainfall has been constantly irregular in India and moreover the recent changes in the climatic conditions all over the world have contributed to the problem of unavailability of food. In spite of Governments repeated efforts to maintain Food Security and availability, it has been highly subject to the irregularities of agricultural production. It is said that India attained national food self-sufficiency 35 years ago yet about 35% of its population remains food insecure. We look into the close interlink between food security and agriculture. In the past three decades the South Asian countries have made considerable advancement in food production which was elicited by the Green Revolution. Green Revolution was introduced in 1960s and they brought in the use of High Yielding Variety (HYV) of seeds. It brought about a revolutionary boost in production. Now there was a huge expansion in the crop yield which contributed to the countrys growth. But agriculture was highly decelerated in the country and more focus was laid on industrialisation. Thus the wave of green revolution did not reach all parts of the country and it full effect was not realised. It remained regional and only affected the rich farmers. Also in the 1960s India experienced two major droughts and there was a severe food shortage. There was not sufficient food for all. Also we can say that green revolution was successful to some extent but the aim of self sufficiency and food security still seem like a distant dream. In India climate plays a major role in agriculture. Agriculture even to this day is highly dependent on the vagaries of monsoon. Climatic change will affect food security through its impacts on all components of national and local food production system. There has been a rising trend in the temperatures all over the world. This has contributed to a fall in rainfall drastically. Another aspect of climatic change is that of extreme weather events like cyclone which has made agriculture losses higher and has affected total production. Climatic changes as seawater incursion and unusual flooding are effecting greatly as well. Changes in temperature and precipitation influence water run-off and erosion affecting soil organic carbon and nitrogen content and salinity in the soil. Thus the changing weather condition all over the world has had its toll on agriculture. The new climatic conditions are more likely to have negative impacts such as a rise in the spread of diseases and pests, which will reduce yields. Rainfall trends have changed and decrease in rainfall has lead to a fall in production. Rising temperature, changing precipitation patterns and an increasing frequency of extreme weather events are expected to be the reasons for reducing regional water availability. In a country like India where there is lack of irrigation facilities and agriculture is completely dependent on rainfall, irregular rainfall directly affect the total crop production. Unavailability of sufficient water is also another reason for crop failure. Grain output has been stagnating for over a decade and there is a growing gap between supply and demand. A decrease in production leads to poor availability and thus food security of the country is poor. The crisis has been building up for some time. The food grains yields of Indian farmers are not going up. Thus we come to the conclusion that climate change will reduce crop yield in the tropical country like India. The regional inequality in foo d production resulting from climate change will have a very great implication on the food security of the country. Another problem is that of lack of proper mechanization in agriculture. Indian farmers are mostly too poor to implement the modern techniques or machinery in their farms. The small and marginal farmers generally sell their produce. Now transporting and storage of food grains too holds huge importance in a country like India where the condition of infrastructure is very poor. The Food Corporation of India has been entrusted with the job of maintaining a buffer stock. A buffer stock is necessary so as to ensure food security during bad agricultural years or crop failures. But due to lack of infrastructure every year there is a considerable amount of food grains that is wasted. Quantity of food grains damaged in India : YEAR QUANTITY(lakh MTs) 2004-2005 0.97 2005-2006 0.95 2006-2007 0.25 2007-2008 0.34 2008-2009 0.03 2009-2010 0.03 AVERAGE 0.58 Source: Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2779, dated 27.04.2007. Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3065, dated 08.12.2009 The above table shows the amount of food which is wasted from 2004-2010. In a country like India where agricultural production is not enough and people do not get two squares of meal a day, these datas are shocking. This has lead to a fall in food security because there has been a deficiency of food grains. Another important factor in this context is that of land use. Due to rapid industrialisation in building roads, houses and factories, private entrepreneurs are taking away the fertile lands for non-agricultural purposes. The supply of land in nature is fixed and as more and more land is used for non-agricultural practises it has been seen that the land for agricultural purpose is decreasing. People look at the comparative advantage of industrialisation over agriculture. But they fail to realise that in a way they are decreasing their food-grain production. This has lead to a disparity between the demand and supply of food grains and thus instability in food security. The food policy of India took up two objectives one is to create a food surplus economy and next is to provide food grains at subsidised rates. Our Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had implemented a seed-water-fertilizer policy commonly called the Green Revolution in order to attain self-sufficiency and to attain food security. It is time we had a revolution of such an intensity to revive our strategies to attain food security. In a country as huge as India where population grows at about 8 % and where a large chunk of the population is malnourished and under-weight it becomes necessary to attain food security. The supply chain between the farmers and the consumers should be shortened. Farmer friendly marketing processes should be introduced. And most important a second revolution is necessary to bring about stability in the Food Security in the country. **************************

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Chile :: essays research papers

Chile In this project we are going to summarize the main points concerning the history of CHILE , its independance, and bring the country to present day CHILE. We are also going to mention some important facts about CHILE"S economy. I. COLONIZATION PERIOD CHILE is a country located in the wester coast of South America, on the Pacific Ocean. It is known for the famous Andes Mountain Range that covers all of Peru and part of Chile CHILE was first discovered in 1520 by a Portuguese navigator named Ferdinand Magellan, who sailed under the flag of Spain. It was not until 1536 that CHILE was explored by a Spaniard named Diego de Almagro. Almagro was an associate of Francisco Pizarro in the conquest of Peru. In 1540 a conquistador named Pedro de Valdivia made a second expedition into CHILE He arrived in CHILE in 1541 and claimed the land under the crown of Spain. He founded the city of Santiago in February of that year, and appointed a Cabildo (Council) of Conquistadores to control local affairs. II. COLONIAL RULE In December of 1553, Valdivia set out for the fort of Concepcion to avenge the death of three soldiers, after word had reached him that the Indians had murdered them. He did not know the Indians had an ambush prepared for him. Valdivia was captured and executed, his entire army was also killed. The Spaniards eventually dominated CHILE During this period CHILE was a Captaincy General of Spain and supposedly governed from Peru, where Spain had a more important government because Peru was rich in Inca gold. In reality, because CHILE was farther away geographically, local affairs were controlled by a governor who commanded the army and each town had its own Cabildo (Council). CHILE had plenty of wars. The Indians refused to stay quiet. Until the mid 1700"s, these wars against the Indians were payed for by Peru, which provided money to CHILE to maintain CHILE"S government in Santiago and an army on the frontier. CHILE was poor and dependent on its richer neighbor for wealth and security. III. INDEPENDENCE One of the most important reasons for CHILE"S independence as well as other Latin American countries, was the emergence of a class of CRIOLLOS (Creoles). Creoles were American born Spaniards, who were different from the Iberians. They developed a desire for a self-government. The Criollos, then, began and supported a movement in order to gain independence from Spain. The Criollos had a lot of influence in the merchant class as well as in the upper class of CHILE. They resented Spain's trading system. For tax reasons, all trade with Spain had

Friday, October 11, 2019

Plato and Aristotle: a Comparison

Plato and Aristotle are two of the earliest known thinkers in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Although Aristotle was a student of Plato, the two had some very contrasting ideas.MetaphysicsPlato and Aristotle believed in the concept of forms, although they had different definitions of the concept. Plato's take on metaphysics can be labeled as dualism. Plato developed his ideas a priori; he formulated his own explanations of an ideal reality and applied them to the observable world.Reality had two levels for Plato: the level of the observable objects, and the level of forms (the ideal). The observable aspect of the world are but imperfect copies of the forms, and observable objects are impermanent, as opposed to forms, which are eternal. Plato's forms can be understood as blueprints that existed outside of the observable, and on which everything observable depends; thus these forms are more â€Å"real† than the observable. Plato uses analogies for this explanation; in his allegory of the cave, for example, lifetime immobile prisoners see only shadows on a cave wall and think that the shadows are the ultimate reality.Although it cannot be disputed that the shadows are â€Å"real,† it is the objects that are casting the shadows that are, in a sense, the true reality. Aside from the well-known allegory of the cave, Plato used a number of other metaphors to explain his metaphysical views, such as the metaphor of the sun, and the divided line.  Conversely, Aristotle developed his ideas a posteriori—by directly observing the world and then deriving â€Å"formulas† for this observable reality. His primary concern in this area was causality. Aristotle believed in only one level of reality, and he believed that form had no existence outside of physical, observable reality.Aristotle's concern on the relationship of form and matter led to his concepts of causality. He believed that there are four very basic causes that can be applied to anything: the Material cause, or, in Aristtle's words, â€Å"that out of which a thing comes to be, and which persists,† the formal cause, â€Å"the statement of essence† (which states that anything is determined by the definition or archetype), the Efficient cause,   (the primary source of change), and the Final cause, (the end, or the intent of an action).EpistemologyPlato's epistemology holds that all knowledge is innate, which means the process of learning is actually just a recollection of knowledge buried deep in the soul; Plato believed that before birth the soul had a perfect knowledge of everything. This is the basic precept of Plato's Theory of Ideas.  According to Plato, ideas are permanent and absolute. In Plato's view all human actions can be judged through the standard of these concrete and absolute ideas, but Aristotle refutes Plato's theory on the grounds that Plato's arguments are inconclusive—stating that Plato's arguments are not convincin g or lead to contradictory conclusions.Aristotle refutes Plato's claim that Ideas are absolute, perfect entities outside of human experience, but argues that, on the contrary, ideas exist in the mind alone and are simply duplicates or interpretations of things that are experienced. Aristotle claims that all standards are based on things that are first experienced.  Aristotle agreed with Plato's notion that the immaterial (form) and the material (matter) were distinctly separate entities; however, he states that forms (or ideas) exist in the mind and are dependent on the observer, and argues that Plato's theory of ideas goes by the incorrect premise of absolute universal definitions for material, observable things.EthicsPlato's ethics states that â€Å"good† is born of knowledge and â€Å"evil† is born of ignorance (lack of knowledge). Hence Plato argues that the path to a good life is purely intellectual.Plato's   absolutism dictates that there is only one right co urse of action, one that is true in every case and exists independent of human opinion or interpretation.  On the other hand Aristotle adopted a scientific, empirical approach to ethical problems. He believed that in order for human actions to be judged as moral or immoral, they must have a certain degree of health and wealth. Aristotle believed that ethical knowledge is not certain knowledge, like metaphysics and epistemology, but general knowledge.Also, Aristotle argued that the achievement of â€Å"good† must be a practical discipline, as opposed to Plato's heavily theoretical approach. He claimed that to become good cannot be achieved simply by studying virtue, but that one must practice virtue in everyday life. He called the   ultimate goal of this discipline the â€Å"Highest Good.†Ã‚  Also, for Aristotle the achievement of happiness was by application of the â€Å"golden mean†, which just means moderation in everyday life. Aristotle argued that happin ess could not be found only in pleasure, or only in fame and honor. He claims that happiness can be achieved through knowledge of humanity's specific purpose; that is, according to him, â€Å"by ascertaining the specific function of man.†PoliticsIn his political theories, Plato focused on formulating the perfect society by finding ways to cure humanity of its social and personal failures. Plato, in Republic, described the ideal government as having a philosopher-king as its leader, a king with a completely just soul who would thus be able to run a completely just government. Plato also argued that since he can imagine such a leader, than such a leader can exist.  Plato's utopia consists of three non-hereditary classes: Guardians, Auxiliaries, and Workers. The guardians are wise and good rulers and high-level civil servants, the auxiliaries soldiers and lower civil servants, and the workers composed of unskilled laborers.Unlike Plato, Aristotle was not concerned with the per fection of society, but simply its improvement, within what he believed were a more realistic context. Aristotle agreed that Plato's government, with its philosopher-king, would be ideal, but did not believe that such a person could exist, and thus dismissed the possibility that such a government could exist, and considers other systems that he believed are more realistic.  Plato's belief in this philosopher-king reflects his theories of knowledge, which have the a priori approach to reality. On the other hand, Aristotle bases his beliefs on the observable. And claims that since he has never encountered such a completely just man, he must discount that possibility of his existence.Aristotle argues that dividing society into distinct classes excludes men with ambition and wisdom but are not in the right class to hold political power. Another argument against Plato's class system is that guardians will, by nature of their work, be deprived of happiness, and such guardians will natur ally assume that the same strict lifestyle be imposed on all of society. Aristotle valued moderation more, in contrast to Plato's utopia, which carried expectations to such extremes that it was no longer realistic to Aristotle.Aristotle derived a theory of Democracy, where he puts emphasis on the polis, or city-state, which allows political participation by the average citizen. He claimed that â€Å"the people at large should be sovereign rather than the few best.† However, this is contrary to Plato's beliefs, who argues that the public's decisions would be based on mere belief and not fact.  Essentially, we can describe Plato as having been in pursuit of a philosophical, idealized truth, whereas Aristotle was concerned with the more worldly and realistic   concerns of the citizen and the government. Although they had widely divergent views, they had essentially the same goal of a better society.References:Silverman, A. (2003). Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Episte mology. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2003 Edition). Retrieved February 24, 2006, from, S. M. (2003). Aristotle's Metaphysics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2003 Edition).Retrieved February 24, 2006, from, D. (2003). Plato's Ethics: An Overview. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2003 Edition). Retrieved February 24, 2006, from  Ã‚, R. (2005). Aristotle's Ethics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2005 Edition). Rerieved February 24, 2006, from, F. (2002). Aristotle's Political Theory. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2002 Edition). Retrieved February 24, 2006, from /entries/aristotle-politics.Brown, E. (2003). Plato's Ethics and Politics in The Republic. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2003 Edition). Retrieved February 24, 2006, from (2006, February). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved February 24, 2006, from (2006, February). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved February 24, 2006, from Epistemology. (2006, February). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved Ferruary 24, 2006, from, A. (2006). Aristotle on Causality. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2006 Edition).